📜Config File

Here you can find the latest available config file for Peace-JobsMenu

Locales = {}

Config = {
    framework = 'QB', -- 'QB' or 'ESX'
    notificationType = "QBCore", -- Type of notification to display (ESX, QBCore, or BasicNotification, bulletin)
	lang  = 'en', -- 'fr', 'en' 
	debug = true,
	DeleteLogSQL = true, -- delete player logs in dutylog after unduty
	TransactionLog = true, -- Saves all service ends and time in a TransactionDutyLog sql
    StaffWebhook  = {
	    OnStaffWebhooks = true, -- WebHooks staff receives all start and end times of all jobs
        WebHooks = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1198461449371127860/T1cbfV_YC-NYfrIDGN8Fyx8LOinVj6Sl-bYR9bmaSd-1ZyUSIRpQKrX8F92FuKaNO_qa',
    LogMessages = {
        DutyOn = true,
        DutyOff = true,
        PlayerDropped = true,
        Discord = true, -- Added option for Discord message
        License = true, -- Added option for License
        EndDate = true, -- Added option for End Date
        StartDate = true, -- Added option for Start Date
        ServiceDuration = true, -- Added option for Service Duration
        PlayerName = true, -- Added option for Player Name
		LeaveServiceUnusual = true,

Config.Jobs = {
    ['police'] = {
        PanelCompanyConfig = {
            Activate = true,
            GradeAllowed = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8},
        DiscordConfig = {
            Title = 'Police Services',
            Color = {
			    OnDuty = 65280,
			    OffDuty = 16711680,
            IconURL = '',
        WebHooks = '',
    ['mechanic'] = {
        PanelCompanyConfig = {
            Activate = true,
            GradeAllowed = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8},
        DiscordConfig = {
            Title = 'Mechanic Services',
            Color = {
			    OnDuty = 65280,
			    OffDuty = 16711680,
            IconURL = '',
        WebHooks = '',
    -- ADD Jobs here

Config.MarkerESX = { -- ONLY FOR ESX (as no basic duty support)
    ['police'] = {
		ESX = {
		    Pos = vector3(289.84, -570.44, 43.06),
            Size = {x = 2.5, y = 2.5, z = 0 },
            Color = { r = 0, g = 255, b = 0 },  
            Type = 27,
			Activate = true,
    ['mechanic'] = {
		ESX = {
		    Pos = vector3(287.64, -572.88, 43.16),
            Size = {x = 2.5, y = 2.5, z = 0 },
            Color = { r = 0, g = 255, b = 0 },  
            Type = 27,
			Activate = true,
    -- Add other jobs here

Config.notification = { -- Notification options (only for notificationType: bulletin) ---> https://github.com/Mobius1/bulletin
    title = 'Notification',
    subject = '',
    icon = '',
    timeout = 5000,
    Position = "bottomleft",
    Progress = false,
    Queue = 5,
    Stacking = false,
    ShowStackedCount = false

Last updated