πŸ“œConfig File

Here you can find the latest available config file for Peace-SpeedCamera

Config = {}

Config.framework = 'QB' -- ESX or QB or custom

-- Model of the prop_speed_camera object
Config.propModel = "radar_speed"

Config.EnableRadarCommand = true -- Option to activate/deactivate the "radar" command
Config.RadarCommandName = "radar" -- Name of the default "radar" command

Config.useKmh = true -- DΓ©finissez Γ  true si vous souhaitez utiliser les km/h, ou false pour les mph

Config.FilteredCameras = false -- If true the jobs only see the radar that they have created

Config.CommandJob = true -- Option to enable/disable job verification for the command tout les job pourrond l'utiliser
Config.AllowedJobs = { -- List of jobs allowed to use the command if CommandJob and true
Config.MinJobGrade = { -- Minimum rank required to use the command
    ["police"] = 0,
    ["sherif"] = 0,

-- Spawn distance of radars relative to the player
Config.spawnDistance = 100.0

-- Indicates whether radar props should be created or not
Config.spawnprops = true

-- blips
Config.spawnBlips = true

Config.blipSprite = 184 -- blip sprite (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)
Config.blipColor = 5 -- blip color (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/)
Config.blipDisplay = 4
Config.blipScale = 0.8 -- blip scale
Config.blipLabel = "Radar" -- Blip name

-- Use fines for speeding violations
Config.UseFines = true

-- Enable flash sound for speeding violations
Config.useFlashSound = true

-- Enable white flash effect for speeding violations
Config.useWhiteEffect = true

-- Set to true to send a notification to law enforcement agencies with the license plate, address, and speed violation
Config.alertLawEnfor = true
Config.alertLawEnforDutyOnly = true

-- Enable police alert for speeding violations (UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
Config.alertMailPlayer = false
Config.alertSpeed = 150

-- The speed cameras are linked to the job of the person who placed them.
-- When a player gets caught by a speed camera, the money is sent to the specified society below. For ESX, it's 'esx_addonaccount', and for QBCore, it's 'qb-management'.
-- Example for ESX: ['police'] = 'society_police'; this means that speed cameras associated with the "police" job will send the money to the 'society_police' account in 'esx_addonaccount'.
-- Example for QBCore: ['police'] = 'gouv'; this means that speed cameras associated with the "police" job will send the money to the 'gouv' account in 'qb-management'.
Config.FinesTransf = {
    ['police'] = 'police',
    ['sherif'] = 'sherif',

-- Default price for each speed limit (in km/h) | Config.UseFines must be true
-- Base price for speed limits not defined in Config.defaultPriceTable
Config.defaultPrice = 300 
Config.defaultPriceTable = { -- Custom price for 60 km/h speed limit, player will pay $600
--    [60] = 600,
--    [80] = 800,
--    [120] = 1200,
--    [150] = 1500,
--    [180] = 1800,
--    [200] = 2000,
    -- Add more custom prices as needed

-- Additional prices for exceeding speed limits (in km/h)
Config.extraZonePrice10 = 0 -- Extra price above 10 km/h
Config.extraZonePrice20 = 0 -- Extra price above 20 km/h
Config.extraZonePrice30 = 0 -- Extra price above 30 km/h

-- Vehicles that should not trigger the radar flash
Config.VehiclesNotFlash = {
    VehiclesNotFlash = false, -- true or false
    Vehicles = {
--        'adder',

-- Jobs whose members should not be flashed by the radar
Config.JobNotFlash = {
    JobNotFlash = false, -- true or false
    JobNotFlashDutyOnly = false, -- true or false
    job = {

-- Type of notification to display (ESX, QBCore, or BasicNotification, bulletin)
Config.notificationType = "bulletin"

-- Notification options (only for notificationType: bulletin) ---> https://github.com/Mobius1/bulletin
Config.notification = {
    title = 'RADAR',
    subject = '',
    icon = 'WEB_RADAR',
    timeout = 5000,
    Position = "bottomleft",
    Progress = false,
    Queue = 5,
    Stacking = false,
    ShowStackedCount = false

Last updated