๐Ÿ“œConfig File

Here you can find the latest available config file for Peace-JobsMenu

Config = {}

Config.framework = 'QB' -- ESX or QB or custom

Config.Command = "jobmenu"

Config.KeyMappingSettings = {
   Label = "Peace Jobs Menu",
-- If you want to use a keybind, use the following format: https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/
   Key = "F4",

Config.JobMenu = {
   ["police"] = { -- Name of the JOB
        image = "police.png", -- Banner JOBS
		hometext = "Police", -- First text visible under the banner 
		bordercolor = "#222", -- HexColor https://g.co/kgs/6UcUHF
		backgroundcolor = "#222", -- HexColor https://g.co/kgs/6UcUHF
        menu = {
	            [1] = {
				       id = 'exemplesubmenu', -- ID
				       title = 'Exemple SubMenu', -- Name visible in menu
				       icon = 'list-check', -- all list of icon here https://fontawesome.com/icons
				       type = 'submenu',  -- submenu for create submenu
                       submenu = {  
						        id = 'Exemple',
						        title = 'Exemple',
						        icon = 'fa-solid fa-scroll',
						        type = 'command', -- type client, server and command
						        event = '', -- event
						    }, {
						        id = 'checkstatus', -- ID 
						        title = 'Vรฉrifier รฉtat', -- Name visible in menu
						        icon = 'question', -- all list of icon here https://fontawesome.com/icons
						        type = 'client', -- type client, server and command
						        event = 'police:client:CheckStatus', -- event
	            [2] = {
				       id = 'ExempleSimplyMenu',
				       title = 'Exemple Simply Menu',
				       icon = 'user-tie',  -- all list of icon here https://fontawesome.com/icons
				       type = 'server', -- type client, server and command
				       event = 'QBCore:ToggleDuty', -- event
   ["ambulance"] = { -- Name of the JOB
        image = "ambulance.png", -- Banner JOBS
		hometext = "Ambulance", -- First text visible under the banner 
		bordercolor = "#222", -- HexColor https://g.co/kgs/6UcUHF
		backgroundcolor = "#222", -- HexColor https://g.co/kgs/6UcUHF
        menu = {
	            [1] = {
				       id = 'exemplesubmenu', -- ID
				       title = 'Exemple SubMenu', -- Name visible in menu
				       icon = 'list-check', -- all list of icon here https://fontawesome.com/icons
				       type = 'submenu',  -- submenu for create submenu
                       submenu = {  
						        id = 'Exemple',
						        title = 'Exemple',
						        icon = 'fa-solid fa-scroll',
						        type = 'command', -- type client, server and command
						        event = '', -- event
						    }, {
						        id = 'checkstatus', -- ID 
						        title = 'Vรฉrifier รฉtat', -- Name visible in menu
						        icon = 'question', -- all list of icon here https://fontawesome.com/icons
						        type = 'client', -- type client, server and command
						        event = '', -- event
	            [2] = {
				       id = 'ExempleSimplyMenu',
				       title = 'Exemple Simply Menu',
				       icon = 'user-tie',  -- all list of icon here https://fontawesome.com/icons
				       type = 'server', -- type client, server and command
				       event = '', -- event

Last updated